Spring has truly sprung! Boing boing! It is so nice here lately. We do not have the flowers that some of my blogger friends have , but we are on our way. We have had the typical April showers that bring May flowers. On Monday it was plus 28 degrees. A total tease I must say. We all wanted to turn on the A.C. for sure. The next day it was cloudy, rainy and cool. Weather we would expect for April. Aside from that I do notice that things are starting to bud. I know that we are many weeks behind many others, according to photos posted on my friend Wanda's blog. She has many beautiful photos of blooming things. She also is way more south than I am here in the North. Any way, I am pleased to report that it is looking more like spring everyday. I adore spring! I not only adore it but I'm in love with it! I love to see things bloom right before my very eyes. It's one of my favorite seasons of all. I enjoy every day that spring has to offer , rain or shine. So I want to wish all my fellow friends in the north, "Happy Spring"! Don't you just love it?