Abby is the cutest little chick ever! She was in a play for her pre- school called the "Little Red Hen". I was not able to make it to her performance but great granny and gramps were there and took some photos on my behalf. I'm so sorry I missed it! I really needed a good dose of Abby and Josie right about now! They are just the best! Love them so much!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Mom and I made our little grand daughters matching sun dresses. It was fun. Sorry to mom for complaining about all the detail you made me do. I think they turned out pretty cute. At least the models are pretty cute!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Mom and dad are back from Texas safe and sound. Thank you God! With all the storms and flooding going on in many parts of the states they wondered if they should start back home when they did or wait a few more days. They decided to go ahead when they planned and God took care of the roadways so they could make it through all the way back to Canada safely. The only thing they had problems with was strong head winds but that was okay. Just hard on the gas gage. It sure is good to have them back with us. We are having a family Easter dinner tomorrow and feel truly blessed that everyone can be together. We will enjoy the company of mom and dad for the next 6 months until they fly the coop and head back south in search of warmer weather. My folks are officially called winter Texans . This will be the 3rd year that they will make the trek. I wish I could go along. The winter here was so bad this last year. But maybe next winter will be better. Happy Easter to everyone! It's my favorite time of year.
Friday, April 03, 2009
Spring slowly seems to be making it into our neck of the woods. I can see brown grass now! And the roads are bare and sidewalks are free from ice and snow! I drove down to our city park today to check out the situation! The lake is starting to melt and there are already geese back from down south! The ice is thin! Signs are out all over saying " DANGER THIN ICE" ! I sat in my car just happy to watch the scene and feel the warm sun shine on my face! It made me happy! Every thing is still so brown and dirty, but when I saw the geese ( only a few) it made me feel hopeful. Many more to come. It won't be long and the lake will be full of geese, ducks and all the babies. It's time! So over the next few weeks I will take a drive to the park and visit the lake to check up on the progress and be thankful that spring it finally here!