Monday, September 28, 2009

Tiffany and Brian had their 10th anniversary!

Mom And Dad had 50th wedding anniversary!

Abby first day of kinder garden! Awe! It can't be possible!

Josie turned 2! What a sweet heart! Melts my heart!

This is Josie looking for her sister after she went off to school! She kept asking "where Abby go?"

WOW! I can't believe it's been 3 whole months since I last blogged. I have had a busy yet wonderful summer. It started with me landing a temporary job in the print shop at the RCMP training academy. Then mom and dad had their 50th. Us kids put on a wonderful party if I do say so my self. A good time was had by all. We were busy with visiting friends and family. It was a great time! My summer went by so quickly. I enjoyed my time in the print shop! I was busy duplicating documents for RCMP members as well as all the curriculum for all the cadets. I was so sad when my time came to an end and I had to go back to cleaning again. But what a great experience it was! During the summer my youngest son turned 27, and his baby turned 2! My Daughter and her hubby had their 10th wedding anniversary! Yay! And my Abby girl( oldest grand daughter) started kindergarten. Yay! How time does fly. I find that the older I get the faster time does go by! I am so thankful to God for his blessings and for giving me a wonderful family!


Muhd Imran said...

I am excited for you while reading and looking at the photos. What a wonderful time the summer has been treating you!

Have more good times this autumn with beautiful colors and lots of stories the kids will come back with to share with you!

wandi said...

Imran I am having a hard time leaving comments to you. What do you suggest?

Wanda said...

Hey Wandi ~~ loved the pictures, and Josie looks like grandma... You both have sweet faces and smiles.

Missed you...glad you're back.


Muhd Imran said...

Hi Wandi. I had no idea that you had problems with leaving the comments in blog.

What difficulty are you facing or what message has Blogger prompted when you tried to write a comment in my posts?

Hopefully I can understand and maybe solve it or forward the problems faced with Blogger for their assistance.

Anyway, I got to see two of your comments in my blog today and am very happy that you stopped by. I missed your posts and talking to you.

Autumn seem to be a promising good time for you and am looking forward to more stories from the little ones in your blog.