I am so blessed! I have 2 beautiful little grand daughters that I adore and I know that they adore me. I love it when I can go and look after them and they offer me unconditional love. I love it when they ask me for lipstick when I walk in the door. I love it when they shower me with hugs and kisses. I love it when they both want to sit by me when I am invited to dinner. Lucky I have 2 sides! I love it when I can tuck them in to bed and hear the words I love you Grandma from sweet little voices as they drift off to sleep! I love it when they give me power kisses and hugs! I love the joy they bring to my heart just from the very thought of them! They are such a joy to me I feel words are not enough! Abby and Josie are such a beautiful part of my life and are what keeps me going. Thank you God for my precious gifts! I adore them and they adore me and that is the way it it should be! I am a blessed Gramma Indeed!