I am so blessed! I have 2 beautiful little grand daughters that I adore and I know that they adore me. I love it when I can go and look after them and they offer me unconditional love. I love it when they ask me for lipstick when I walk in the door. I love it when they shower me with hugs and kisses. I love it when they both want to sit by me when I am invited to dinner. Lucky I have 2 sides! I love it when I can tuck them in to bed and hear the words I love you Grandma from sweet little voices as they drift off to sleep! I love it when they give me power kisses and hugs! I love the joy they bring to my heart just from the very thought of them! They are such a joy to me I feel words are not enough! Abby and Josie are such a beautiful part of my life and are what keeps me going. Thank you God for my precious gifts! I adore them and they adore me and that is the way it it should be! I am a blessed Gramma Indeed!
It is great being a Grandma. I too love hugs and kisses.
I get many hugs from old men down here. Yes they like the attention too.It is all in fun and done when others are around. I also hug their wives.
Yes. You are blessed.
They are beautiful little girls ever ready to give their Grandma unconditional love.
Yes you are blessed and adored. Can't say the same for myself. :( But, they do love their Papa.
Oh those adorable girls, with Grandma's lipstick!!
You are loved and you love. What a great thing we have to be loved adored by our grandchildren.
Think of you often Wandi...
Hey Girlfriend..... are you alive and well????
Think of you often...
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