Had a great day cooking with my Laotian friend today. She showed me how to make wonton soup, and sushi. Sushi was good but, Owww. The wasbi literally took my breath away. My eyes were crying and my nostils were burning. Yow. Next taste I did not put so much of the wasabi sauce on the sushi. Much better. Her sister came over with quite a delicacy. It was .. gulp..... chicken feet. It looked pretty bad. Gulp. I had to be polite and try. The flavor was very delicious. But the texture was........ Gulp..... bones and grizzly skin. I had a few of the delectable tidbits and then went back to eating my lovely wonton soup. The wonton soup was my favorite. I hope to perfect this dish and cook it for my family. As well as the spring rolls that she showed me how to make a while back. I 'm really big on texture in my food. If it is not crunchy then I am not a fan. The chicken feet were not quite the texture that my palate was looking for. But like I said the flavor was very delicious. My friend La had her sisters and sister in-law there too. And of course all the husbands came as well. They were very kind and I did not feel so uncomfortable with them talking in the language of Laos. They did spend time explaining what they were saying so it was not so bad.