It's begining to look alot like Christmas, every where you go..... We finally have snow and cold. Up until last week we have had no snow and very nice temperatures. Well this week all that changed. It started snowing some time monday and did not stop until this morning. Plus the temp plunged down to minus 20( -30 if you factor in the wind chill). It is very cold. But I do have to admit that it looks quite pretty out there. On monday night as I was working helping my daughter at the store where she mangages, I had a nice warm christmas feeling. There were carols playing on the PA system, and the snow was falling out side( quite heavily I might add.) I felt like I was getting into the Christmas mood. I went home and took out my Christmas decorations and my nativity set. I don't even mind hearing Christmas carols. I won't put up a tree this year. At this point I am feeling like it is too much effort just for myself. Maybe if I was having Christmas at my house I would feel differently. But this year as in years past the family will gather at my sisters house. It's only because her home is large enough to fit all the family. We all chip in and bring food for the Christmas feast. It's a very nice relaxing time. It will be even nicer because I get to have all my kids with me. My little Abby girl too. She is getting to be at a fun age. Every thing is new and exciting. I love that age of discovery. I have been too busy to find new Christmas tradtions for myself. My neighbor down asked me to a tree trimming party at her home last year, and has invited me again this year. She provides refreshments and her freinds go and help her decorate her tree. It was fun. She has once again invited me this year. Maybe this can be a new tradtion. Even if either of us move maybe we can continue to have the tree trimming gathering. It's a good idea.