Today driving to work I saw a very interesting sight. There were 2 people dressed in yellow slickers head to toe, and ventilator face masks, riding on the back of a flat bed truck. In the hands of these 2 yellow slickered folk were hoses , that were spraying water and chemical up into the trees. As I got closer I realized what they were spraying the trees for. Here in our Province, we have Cankerworms. They are ugly, crawly, blend in with the tree branches, and munch on the leaves until you have no leaves left. As I passed this yellow, spraying crew, I burst out giggling. The yellow slickers were covered in many black slimy cankerworms. Good job yellow slicked out people. Thanks for saving our trees and putting up with being covered in slime. I don't think I could do it. Just talking about the creepy crawlers makes me feel, creepy crawly. I had some cankerworms on the tree outside my balcony. There were so many that it looked like the tree branch was moving. What I did, was got out some disinfectant spray and attacked them and the dirty nest too. I feel like the wicked witch from Wizzard of Oz. I'll get you my pretty, and your little nests too! Except these wormies are not so pretty and do major damage to our trees. So Maybe I'm a hero like the yellow slickers. I'm saving many birdies homes. Ya, that's it.