Man it's hot. I'm not complaining! It is just so hot. Even at 9:30 at night, the air is so hot and humid. Plus 30 Celsius. I do love summer. I am experiencing so much stress at work that I have been forced to take a stress leave. Yesterday I went with my mom and granny to the valley . (Granny is visiting from B.C) www.dallasvalley.com where dad is cooking for summer campers. He invited us out for a turkey dinner during the lunch time. I enjoyed it very much. It was so peaceful to just sit and look out at God's creation. It was hot but there was a nice breeze blowing so it was not unbearable. The time away from work was so what I needed to forget about the strife and focus on the beauty surrounding me. I am thankful for the time I was able to spend out in nature and enjoy the beautiful landscape and summer weather. It made me forget the strife at work. I must say it was wonderful.