Friday, October 05, 2007

Thanksgiving in Canada

I am thankful for many things. My family. Mom and dad for all the love and support they have to give. My children, and granddaughters , they are my light and joy. They light up my life. I'm thankful for my sister . I adore her and she is such an encouragment to me. My nephews (all 5 of them) who make me laugh always. My brother inlaw who is an example of one who is an amazing dad to his sons and loves God with all his heart, and he shows it regularly. My brother who has a wonderful sense of humour and also loves God. My sister inlaw who is an amazing hostess and has a gift of hospitality. She takes such great care of my brother and her boys. I am so very blessed to have such a wonderful family and I never take them for granted. I love them all so much, I am truly thankful for them all.


Wanda said...

I join you in thanksgiving for many of the same things...I know we would be close friends if we lived by each other.

wandi said...

Oh Wanda I think so too.

Muhd Imran said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is a beautiful post with beautiful people in it. You are blessed indeed. Wonderful family to be thankful for.

Have a great weekend!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! (I have to wait another month)
This is a wonderful list.

ladybird39pm said...

I am grateful and so blessed, for my children
grandchildren,great granddaughters, inlaws,and my church family.