My blogger friend Wanda has started me thinking about nativity scenes. I recently viewed her show case of unique sets. She has very beautiful ones. I have 2 sets. One from Mexico that a client of mine gave me over 17 years ago , made of rustic plaster. Very small and important just the same. The other set is one that I have been collecting since 1988. It is a set made by the Fontanini family from Italy. My ex mother in law started me on this set by giving me Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus. The beauty of this set is you can add a figurine when ever. Each one is sold separately, with a gift card that has a brief story about the charachter. My family has been giving me a figurine or 2 every year since 1988. I have a total of 50 figurines to my set and counting. The Fontanini family have been in business since 1908. Today Fonatnini Heirloom Nativities are acclaimed for their life-like sculpting, painstaking painting by hand and meticulous detailing. You may remember seeing the virgin Mary featured in the Mr. Bean Christmas special. When Mr. Bean is in the department store with the toy chopper..... If not familiar with that scene then forgive me for ranting. I love the fact that Fontanini is a family business that has passed on the traditions from generation to generation. I have continued on my own tradition by starting my daughter and sister on sets of their own. It's fun to see what figurine is added each year on Christmas morning. My sister has also started her sister in law on this Fontanini journey. The other nice feature about the Fontanini collection is that the figurines are not breakable, so my grandchildren can touch and experience the nativity hands on. Each year if I don't put out any other Christmas decoration, at least you can be sure that my Fontanini nativity set will be set out. It makes me happy.
makes me happy, too. :) I really like this one. I need to get ours out soon, but we're still in the process of moving, or at least getting ready to.
Oh I loved the story of the Nativity sets you have. What a wonderful tradition. I love the fact that you can add. I think I can do that with my Willow Tree set too. This is the part of Christmas I love. The family, the traditions, the simplicity.
BYW your mom commented on my blog and wants to make contact...I emailed her tonight! How sweet!
Hey Wandi:
Just dropping by to say Hi. I check out about 20 bloggers every day and you are one of them!!
Love ya!
Hi Girlfriend. I know you don't post a lot, but I appreciate you stopping by to visit me! :)
I am so interested in starting a Fontanini collection. I have 3 the
7 1/2" figurines as well as the full presepio with the Holy Family and the 3 Kings.
I live in Canada and it is impossible to find a store that sells Fonanini. I have purchased from Ebay but the duty & taxes are horrific. If you have any idea how I would find out where I can purchase these it would be wonderful I have tried Roman Inc and Eureka Importing but you have to be a vendor/retailer to access those sites.
Best Regards,
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