It's party time! Woo hoo. Summer is great. And along with summer comes family reunions. Yeeessss! A time to go and see relatives you have not seen in over 30 years. They have changed, and I have changed ( a lot) I'm so much more than I was 30 years ago! I'm a bigger person(not better). Yes I've added a lot of weight to this family photo. I have gained, a son-inlaw, a daughter in-law, and a cute baby grand child. I have also lost a few. An ex husband! That's a lot of weight there. But I have also gained weight on my own body. As well as wrinkles and gray hairs.( which I try to disguise). As I set off for this family reunion, I secretly hope that my cousins have gone bald, got wrinkles, gray hair, and missing some teeth. Whoops, sorry. How vain is that! I know that time does that to people. Okay maybe not the missing teeth. But the aging does happen to us all. So why am I so self concious? It's because......??? I guess that....???? I'm afraid to admit......???? that well... I'm getting old. Yes a reunion reminds us of that fact. When we see uncle so and so and think" wow he sure has aged." Or auntie so and so surely must have had some plastic surgery. She looks fantastic." Or we just put on the false , fake, " oh you haven't changed a bit" when in actual fact people are saying in their minds " has she ever gained the pounds" or" I know she's had a boob job." Any way. This family reuion should be a blast. My family is more real than that. I think. So I will be there saying all the things I'm suppose to and hoping everyone else does the same.