Wednesday, August 30, 2006
I often think about the people in B.C. that I used to clean house for. They were very kind to me. I remember helping with party's as well as clean house for them. My favorites were the Cummings. Jim and April. They were so kind to me. They lived on a lovely piece of land , had a horse, wild garden of flowers, a sly cat, and they bread dogs. Golden retrievers. I not only vacuumed up dog fur, but I also helped them with dinner parties. It was a great time. I loved cleaning for and helping the Mr. and Mrs. Cummings. After all these years I wonder what has become of the dear couple. I hope they are still alive and well. They were my favorites that I worked for. I hope that all is well with them.
Saturday, August 26, 2006

This is Davey. He has a dog named Goliath, and a sister named Sally. Does anyone out there know what I am talking about? Davey is the star of a T.V. show I used to watch when I was quite young. I loved it. The other show I used to watch is " Gumby and Pokey." A palstesine charachter also on T.V. As a young one I loved these shows. My kids don't even know who the heck they are. I think I will have to see if I can find some shows that I can let Abby watch when she is over at Grammas house. It just brings back memories of childhood. I was sitting watching tv tonight and something flashed accross the screen( can't remember what) and it made me think about the animation I used to watch as a child. I know animation has come a long way. The new ones are computer generated. Gumby and Pokey was not. It was shot frame by frame. Pose, frame,pose frame. When it was all put together it became a moving picture. Boy does that ever age me. I'm not that old......???? According to some I am. Oh well. Isn't Tecnology great.
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006

I am so thankful for my girl. She helps me stay focused and balanced. Tonight I called her in such a panic. Actually I was quite distraught. My girl helped me see clearly about things and stay focused on things. I am actually embarrassed to admit that I was feeling very insecure. My Tiffany girl is so good for me. I am so thankful for her. She helped me see that I was maybe over reacting. Thanks Tif for being there for me. I love you.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

She's baack. My little lovey is back in town. I went to see her and mommy today. I was so happy. we went to look at the place that they will be living, then we went to see great grandpa and granny. We arrived just when grandpa was making cookies. Abby helped. It was so cute. she kepted taking the cookies from the pan to the sugar bowl before they were even baked. It took a few minutes for her to warm up to me since she has not seen me since Easter. It did not take long though. Before I knew it she was giving me hugs and kisses. She is so polite. When she wanted to go by she said "watch out". Her mommy said " Abby you say excuse me , not watch out" So next time Abby wanted to go by me she said " scue me" It was so cute. Abby counts to 11, and she is only a year and a half. I am so happy that they are back. I can't wait til my son gets here. He had to stay back and finish up work and movers. Soon though, he will be here. I miss you son. Your girls are gorgeous.
Monday, August 14, 2006
I am so excited. I just contacted a long time freind from my past. She was a maid of honor for my wedding, many years ago. I can't beleive it. She was my best freind in high school. We lost touch over the years. Many years have past since we were in touch. Perhaps 25. What a shame! The other night I was in the mood to google some of my friends from days gone by. My Friend came into view. I was so excited to hear back from her. It was actually my freind and brides maid Lea- Ann. Wow. I'm so excited. I look forward to hear more from her in the next few days.
I long to have many granbabies. I know that it may not be possible due to the fact that I only have 2 children. But I wish them to have many babies. It would be so awesome! I don't want to put any pressure on my kids at all. but I sure would like more beautiful grandchildren. We'll see what happens. I know my girl and son inlaw would be great parents. I already know that Jen and Jordan are great parents. So Come on kids of mine . Pop out more babies for me to love and spoil. No pressure though. He he. I love you no matter what.
Friday, August 11, 2006

My little darlin would have been the youngest, niece, great niece, great, great niece, grand daughter, great grand daughter and youngest cousin at the family reunion. It is too bad that my son and his wife and Abby could not be in attendance. There would have been many cousins to pamper little Abby, and give in to her beck and call. Many of my cousins children were the age of 13 to 17 yrs of age. Abby would have been spoiled by them. If they could steal time away from me that is. But since they were not there it was not an issue. I wish they were there. Maybe next family reunion.
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Home again home again, jiggedy jig. I'm home from the family reunion. It was a fantastic time. I should know better than to think that this family would be anything but who they are. These cousins that I was with are my favorite cousins, only because we spent the most time with them growing up. They have not changed a bit. They were the same old, fun loving, accepting, people that they have always been. Down to earth, real people. It was a great weekend. The weather was great as well. So hot! I got home this afternoon, and found the weather to be just as hot. I forgot to get someone to water my plants while I was away. A few were very dried up. Some I am able to save, but I'm not sure about my tomato plants. I have a few tomatoes that are turning red, but the leaves are brown and curly. We shall see what comes of them. I gave them a good drink and will give them more. Who knows?? It is so good to be home.
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