Hi Ho Hi Ho it's back to work I go. It will seem kinda strange after being off work for a couple months. I think I'm ready. I've had a bit of a time out from work. A personal leave if you will. But after our Canadian thanksgiving (Oct.9) I will be back to the old grind stone. I look forward to seeing my co-workers again. At least most of them. Some , however I do not look forward to seeing. I am determined to change my attitude toward such offensive people. I'm going to try to kill them with kindness. You know the saying " you can catch more flies with honey" not that I want to catch flies. Maybe that isn't the right saying. The point is , I want to adjust my way of thinking about certain folk that try to purposely push the old buttons. Wish me luck! And those of you who believe in prayer, I would appreciate all the help I can get. Being off work for 2 months has not been easy financially. I am so thankful to family who have helped me in any way they were able. I just want to give a shout out to my fantastic parents who have been there for me. I love ya mom and dad. My kids have been great too. Just in the moral support I have had from you all has really gotten me through a tough time. I only hope that some day I will be able to turn around and help others the same way.