I just watched the movie " Mama Mia". It's a musical of all the songs written and sung by the musical group Abba. It brought back many memories of when I was a teenager in the seventies. I heard the songs on the radio played over and over. So many songs are popular to this day . I loved singing along to all the songs! One song however struck a deep chord in my heart ( I don't remember it to be a popular Abba song). It is the song called " Slipping through my fingers". When I saw this song performed I broke down and cried. It is a song about a mother and her letting go of her daughter who is growing up and moving on in her life. This song truly depicts how I have felt with my lovely daughter Tiffany. My precious girl whom I loved in the womb and right on through first grade, to high school, and her own marriage until this very day. I remember her first day of school. Her first broken arm, her first boyfriend, her graduation, first true love, ( Brian) and her wedding day. I truly have felt that the life I have had with my girl has slipped through my fingers. I am so reminded that life does go so fast and that we need to cherish every moment of it. I just want to say that I am so grateful for the gift of my daughter! Parents out there that read this, let this be a challenge to you to enjoy your time with your precious wee ones, cuz time with them does slip through the fingers like sand. It seems like only yesterday that mine were babes.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
This beautiful woman is my daughter inlaw. I'm so proud of her. She just landed a job as a free lance journalist for the leader post. That is our local city news paper. She is a great writer and I have always loved reading her writings. She is also getting her training to be a Doula. That is someone who is a coach to expectant moms during the pregnancy and right through child birth. The most fantastic part is that she does not have to go to an office ( and be away from her babies) but can do her job from home. I'm so proud of you Jen girl. You are an awesome mom to my grandbabies and an incredible wife to my son Jordan. Love you so much. I'm so thankful that she is a part of our family!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
It's my momma and daddy's 50th wedding anniversary. I should say it was on the 12th of January. ( yesterday) . We are going to have a celebration in the summer when they get back to Canada. My sister and I are planning a dinner for them. We will be inviting many people to this. Family and friends that were involved in their wedding 50 years ago. Many couples don't last that long. Especially in Hollywood. I think the only couple I have heard of making it to 50 years in Hollywood (at least lately) is Paul Newman and his wife Joanne Woodward. So my hat is off to you my momma and daddy. I salute you. Way to persevere ! 50 years is a long time. God Bless you and I pray for 50 more years of wedded bliss.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Here is a photo of my wonderful momma and daddy. This is the 2nd full year that they have spent down south in warmer climates. I'm so happy that they are away from the frigid ......Cold, cold, cold............. Brrrrrr.
The New Year started out with a big old bang here in Saskatchewan! It has been - 35 and - 40 here for several days. Although it is much warmer these last few days, the snow has started to fall. I'm sitting watching the snow fall for the umpteenth time this winter. I am so looking forward to spring but I'm trying to take one day at a time cuz I know that spring is such a long way off. The snow on my balcony is getting higher and higher. I am very close to shoveling the snow from my balcony onto the ground 3 floors below. Snow is very heavy and I would not want to have my balcony fall down due to the weight of the heavy snow.Maybe tomorrow I will get out the snow shovel and start to heave ho on the heavy snow. I sure could be a bear right now. Hibernation looks so appealing. If I were a bear, I could sleep all day and night until spring. How sweet!!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Happy New Year from my family to yours!
I want to take this time to wish all a very happy and prosperous new year. I spent my New Years eve looking after my( princess) granddaughters! How lucky for me! Christmas and New years with royalty! Can't get much better than that! It was a wonderful time for me. Although by 9 pm they both were fast asleep, and the rest of the time was spent flipping through channels on the T.V.( what I would have done at home by myself any way). The time from 6 to 9 was wonderful. Playing with the girls and snuggling them and tucking them into bed made my night. I was in heaven! I have to mention that it is also a blizzard out side . So I was happy to stay inside where it was warm and cozy. After the girls were fast asleep, I curled up with a nice hot cup of coffee, and happily flipped through the channels on the T.V. I can't think of a better, or nicer way to ring in the new year. Happy New Year Everyone! What did you do to ring in 2009?