What is up with Dora?
My baby granddaughter loves her, at 1 yr old. My friend from work loves Dora and she is 35. I must admit that when I watched a video of Dora when Abby was visiting, I could not take my eyes away from the T.V. But mostly my eyes were on Abby as she watched Dora solve cases via nursery rhymes. The old mother goose rhymes I learned as a child. Abby was so enthralled in this little spanish explorer, her side kick monkey named "Boots" , her trusty map, and her adorable back pack. Then there is the villan named "Swiper". Swiper is a thief and Dora is always saying " Swiper no swiping" What ever the attraction, my Abby is hooked and so are many others. Dora is very cute and vibrant, and bubbly. Maybe that's it. Vibrant and bubbly? Dora does teach good things though. I thought it was so cute when my Abby was visiting , her cousins gave her a Dora back pack. When I watched this little person with a back pack on my heart melted. I don't know why. Maybe it was she was so little and looked so grown up at the same time. She just looked adorable. When I was young the fascination was Mr. Dressup and Sesame Street. Then it bacame Barney world and Telatubbies. Now it is Dora. Dora is so much better than Telatubbies. They drove me nuts. All they did is talk baby talk the whole show. So stupid. Our children are much brighter than that. Dora is cool and with the times. She teaches children ,and that is way cool. So I guess Dora is with the times. My grand baby loves Dora. And if Abby loves her then so do I!