Thursday, May 04, 2006

I think I broke my big toe. Owww!

I am so clumsy. I walked into a wall. Yes you heard right I walked into a wall. I stubbed my right big toe. It hurt big time. When I went to bed I thought nothing of it. But when I woke up the next morning and could not move my toe I was in pain. Yowwww.!! I got out of bed and looked at the poor piggie, it was all swollen and bright purple. Oh me oh my. How will I ever get my shoe on to go to work. Lucky me I have the weekend off to nurse my poor fat, purple, piggie. Hopefully by the time I go back to work on tuesday it will be all well with the world. Happy friday to all of you. Cheers.



Ouch! That was painful.

Muhd Imran said...

Ooo... that must have hurt big time. Raise and rest your foot high to release the pressure every opportunity you get.

Nurse that little purple piggie back to the pink of health again. Take care and Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Ow I did that once, against a church pew. I did not swear, as I don't swear anyways. I just hopped around and cried under my breath. So it was taped agaist the rest of my toes, Could not even wear throngs,or whatevern they are called these days I don't think they were invented then.

wandi said...

Oww Michelle. I can relate. I hope by tuesday when I go back to work I can get my piggie into a shoe. So far it feels okay but I have yet to push it into a shoe.

I know you didn't swear mom but admit it you sure wanted to didn't you? I'm sure you had not so nice thoughts right?

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! »