Greetings Everyone
I hope this New Year finds you healthy and Happy. It's been a long time since I've been in touch with friends and family that I was feeling guilty.It's about time you heard what is going on in my world. I feel I live a pretty boring life. But I will start and try to make it sound interesting. I'll go back almost 2 years ago when I owned my own house. It was spring and I was out with a dear friend only to return home to realize that I had been burgled.I was very afraid and shaken up. There was quite a bit of damage to my back door and dining room window. The crooks got away with all my electronics. I had a border living down stairs but he too was away from the house. I called to Brian and Tiffs and they were at my place in 2:00 minutes. I think he broke speeding records.Every thing was taken care of and my insurance covered the cost of replacing my stolen belongings. It was not too long after that I decided to put my house on the market. It sold in 6 days and I made double what I paid. I don't regret the experience of owning my house. I learned that it takes a lot of time,money and effort.Being a single gal it was just too much for me. So In June last year I moved into an adult only building. Most of the tenants are in there late 70's and 80's My son in-law teases me that I've already found my seniors retirement home and need never move again.I love it in my new place.It's bright and large. 1200sq ft. Maybe some day I will be able to buy a condo which would be more suited to me. Until then I am happy where I am. This last year has been a difficult one for me. Iv'e been struggling with an illness and had to be off work for almost 3 months last Jan- april. I'm doing better now though. But some days it still gets tough.On the bright side. Last Dec. 18 an addition to our family. Abigail Olivia Dalsin. Born to Jen and Jordan . She is such a delight to all her family. Everyone says she looks so much like Jordan. I can see it but I also see Jen in her as well. She just turned a year and is walking and talking. The down side is that Jen and jordan moved to SummerlandB.C. only a month ago so I can't watch her grow up. But I am thankful for the internet and the age of instant messaging. I can see her growth progression that way. Jordan is working for an electrical company in Penticton B.C. He will be able to get his journeymen's through them. Jordan and Jen rented a beautiful home in Summerland and Jordan commutes the 15 minutesto Penticton. Jen is able to stay at home and be with Abby full time. She's a fantastic mom. They want to start trying for a brother or sister for Abby, in the near future. Jen has caught the baby bug.
Now on to my dearest girl, Tiffany. Her and Brian are back living in Regina. They came back for Jordan and Jens wedding and stayed. I'm so thankful they did. I missed them so much when they were in Ont. but I know that they needed to be there while Brian's dad was ill. Both Brian's parents have since passed away. I love Brian like my own son. He is so good to Tiffany. They are trying for a baby of their own. Not successful yet. They have also signed up to adopt a baby in Sask. These things take time though. We just wait and see what God has for them. Right now Tiffany has been working at the christian book store here in Regina. She is very good at her job. The customers like Tiffany. What's not to like? She is wonderful in my books!Brian has been working back at the Sears call center. He has a management position. He works all evenings though. Brian's sister Cathy and her husband Tim have moved to Sask. They did not feel the need to stay in Ontario since their mom passed away this summer.It's nice for Brian to have some of his family closer.
Mom and dad are doing well. We are planning a Miller family reunion this summer in Rosebud Alberta where brother John and his wife live. It should be great to see cousins that I have not seen in many years. On Nov.26 my granny Brown on my moms side turned 90. There was a big celebration this past summer in Quesnel B.C. which I was fortunate enough to attend. It was good seeing relatives on that side of the family.So now it is Jan. 30 2005 and here I sit looking forward to a new year. I hope and pray all is well with you and you have a great year. I've learned that it is important to take one day at a time and make the most of it. God bless. Love Wanda
Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005

Rejected by the PJ's
I was in the middle of a wonderful sleep in lala land when I kept feeling this irritating scratching trying to wake me from my slumber. I tried to ignore it but it just wouldn't stop. Finally at about 4 a.m. I bolted out of bed and realizded the scratching was my doing. And it was my skni that was being scratched. Oh my! I couldn't stop . I started to scratch all over. My neck, arms , legs, stomach. What is making me itch so bad? Did I eat something out of the ordinary? No. Did I use the wrong kind of lotion? No! I washed my lovely, new jammies before I went to bed and put them on fresh and clean. Hmmmm? I think that might be it. I recently changed my laundry detergent. I have very sensitive skin, and have only been able to use baby laundry soap. When I went shopping last time, Super Store did not have my brand so I picked up "Gain" As I scratch myself raw , I'm thinking this was a huge mistake. Today I tried to work but ended up leaving early to go the Dr. I have red itchy hives all over my body. Except on my face, which leaves me to beleive it is the laundry soap. I'm in misery! I can't stop scratching. The Dr. gave me a perscription and an antihistamine. So far it is not working. I tried to have a nap but no good. My skin is crawling. Help! Needless to say I stripped out of my not so cozy jammies at 4:oo a.m. and tried to get comfy. I was very disappointed in my new cozy flannels. But it is not the fault of the PJ's. I'm right now in the process of re-laundering all my articles of clothing. We shall see if my jammies and I can be reunited once again.
Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas everyone. I just wanted to share with you one of my best gifts of all. How did santa know that I wanted new jammies? I'm just thrilled with these flannel treasures. When I put them on I feel so warm and cozy. You may think I'm crazy for getting so excited about a pair of PJ's. But it's been many years since I've woken up to a nice pair of jammies on Christmas morning. It was a tradition as a kid. We could always look forward to our new jammies that we would change into before we opened the rest of our gifts. When my kids were growing up I continued the tradition. But it's been years since I've had a new pair. I think it was 3 years ago I went out and bought a pair right after Christmas. It just wasn't the same. So this year when I opened up my stocking I was so thrilled to have a new pair of jammies just for me. And as soon as I got them, I went to change right away before I opened any of my other gifts. Thank-you santa mommy and daddy. You don't know how happy you made your girl.
Friday, December 23, 2005

My sister , continued.
I asked Peggy for a photo so I could post it with the blog about her. I just got this one sent to me. No she doesn't really wear coke bottle glasses. She's always a clown. No matter what we have gone through she always seems to find humor in things. A positive attitude and a goofy sense of humour has gotten her and I through many situations. Thanks for your encouragement, sister.
Saturday, December 17, 2005

You know friends may come and go but sisters remain forever. My sister is my very best friend in the whole world. She is my kindred spirit. I've had close friendships over the years, but they seem to drift or move away. But my dear sister remains my constant in my life. She is always there to cheer me on in what ever I'm going through. She has given me her support, prayers and love since I can remember. Peggy I love you so much and I thank God that you are my sister. Thank-you for all your support over the years. Thanks for sharing with me your family and your love. I think I would have given up many times except for you. I love you sooooo much. Peggy is the one in the back ground with the happy smile delighted with her great niece.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
I lied children, snow is bad, very bad. It's cold and yucky! You can't lick poles like you can in summer.
If you do your tongue and lips will freeze to it. Don't try it. You'll be sorry. Stay inside and play video games all winter long. Wait til the snow is all gone, and the flowers bloom. Then you can go play outside. I know it's hard to make snow angels in the grass but who cares. Trevor it's fun to cut grass isn't it? I know you like to play in the snow and shovel, but adjust okay buddy. Auntie hates to shovel her car out of 5 feet of the freezing ice water. Brrrrr. Don't make me do it. I'll cry I promise. Cheers Trevor you snow buddy you. I hope you fall in a snow bank and can't get up. Just joking. I don't really mean it. Kinda.

I changed my mind.
I don't care if kids have snow to play in for Christmas. I was just outside and the weather is dreadful. I had to get something from my car and the whole thing was litterally a block of ice. I'm not joking. It not only had 2 feet of snow on it, it also had an inch of ice all over it. I was shovelling, chipping, scraping and shovelling to get my car opened. It's okay for people who have nice warm garages to park there old Betsies in . But for most of us it's not so nice. I'm telling you it sucks. I'm off to shovel more because there is about 5 feet of snow drifted behind my car. Okay I'm joking about that. It's only 3 feet. Happy shovelling to all my fellow snow buddies.
I don't care if kids have snow to play in for Christmas. I was just outside and the weather is dreadful. I had to get something from my car and the whole thing was litterally a block of ice. I'm not joking. It not only had 2 feet of snow on it, it also had an inch of ice all over it. I was shovelling, chipping, scraping and shovelling to get my car opened. It's okay for people who have nice warm garages to park there old Betsies in . But for most of us it's not so nice. I'm telling you it sucks. I'm off to shovel more because there is about 5 feet of snow drifted behind my car. Okay I'm joking about that. It's only 3 feet. Happy shovelling to all my fellow snow buddies.

It's still snowing! My balcony is half full. Oh my. What a change from a few days ago when it was plus 5 and all the snow was pretty much melted. Now it's minus 8 (not bad) but all the snow. Will it ever stop? Sure it will. This is Saskatchewan after all. I guess it's nice to have snow for Christmas. I was wishing for a green one though. I know, in my dreams. The snow started last night while I was at the Dr. office and has continued all night and day. It looks very pretty , but you know what this means don't you.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I know I said I would never go back to that awful doctors office again. I know I said the last time , would be the last time. But I did it again. It's so close to my place and I had such a migraine. I thought to myself, this visit will be different. It wasn't! I sat and waited for 1 1/2 hours( I not exagerating) while I listened to the Dr. chit chatting with other patience. Oh my aching head. I don't know if any of you out there suffer from migraines but it's so bad. All I wanted was to be in bed. I never would have gone out in the blizzard, if it weren't for my job needing a Dr. certificate. I missed work today because of this stupid thing. As I sat and tried to think of nothing and block out the light with my jacket, I peeked around the room. I'm sure it's the same room I was in the last visit. It was still just as filthy if not more. I was so ready to jump up, take my health card off my file on the out side of the door and bolt. But what stopped me from going somewhere else was the thought of waiting in another long string of people. Plus I'd have to take the time to drive some where else. I felt it better to just stay put. Finally the Dr. came. Lucky for him he was so kind and sympathetic. He was also very apologetic. As I sat in his office, his computer froze twice. He felt bad. I learned that he didn't have lunch at all because it was so busy. I guess that comes with walk in clinics. Your time is really not your own. I finally got what I went for and wished the Dr. he could have his lunch soon. After all it was 5:30. Poor guy. I promise I will never go back to that office again. It's the last time. I really mean. Ho ho ho happy christmas .

Sunday, December 04, 2005

I am so thankful for internet and the world of instant messages. I just got this cutie picture of me Darlin girl Abby. I know it was taken only days ago in Calgary on the trip to Summerland. What did our ancestors do? They had to wait months to hear about loved ones and how things were going. My grandmother waited many months to hear if her dear one was safe over seas serving in the war. Wow, how hard it must have been for her waiting and wondering. It is the times of instant everything. And in cases such as these I'm thankful for it. I get to see my sweet girl Abby progress and grow. How wonderful. Isn't she so cute. What a darling!
Saturday, December 03, 2005

Yippee, success! I managed to get my tree up all by myself. Well with a whole lot of help from packing tape. I wrapped the base of that sucker so much I don't think it's going any where. I didn't even need to call Brian or daddy. I feel kinda proud of myself. I guess I was quite tired last night and short on patience. I was ready to throw the whole thing over my balcony and yell Timber. I think it looks quite nice. I'm off to church now. I hope the tree is still standing when I get home. Have a good night all.
Friday, December 02, 2005

Bahumbug!!! I tried putting my tree up, but with no success. Right now I'm so frustrated. The tree stand is not working . I tried several times but the stupid tree kept falling down. So now I give up. I'm going to have to get a man to come over to help me. I don't have tools to make it work. I feel stupid that I can't get it to work. Perhaps dad or son inlaw can help. What a downer. I really was in the mood to decorate. I guess It can wait til tomorrow night. Til then ho ho ho.. I'm going to see if I can find a christmas movie on the tube.

I'm going to put my tree up tonight. To some it may seem early. I know my mom would not think of putting her tree up yet. She says her living room is too small and it makes it look smaller. She usually waits until maybe a week before christmas. Perhaps 2 weeks before. Our Tiffany has her tree up already. Hers has been up for a week already. I was over there last weekend. We had a sleep over. I was feeling very sad. It was the day Jen, Jordan and Abby left. I really didn't want to be alone and Tiff knew it . so I packed up my jammies and tooth brush and off I went. It was grey cup, so we had appetizers and watched the game. Any way back to the christmas tree. It is Dec. 2nd and I feel like putting my tree up. I usually have to go with how I feel. Like when the spirit moves me, then I do. I have to see how much energy I have though. I worked an all night shift. I slepted all day but I know I will run out of gas before long.
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