Today we were informed of another RCMP officer that was shot and killed in the line of duty. This is the 2nd one in less than a month. Over the last 2 years that makes 8. This young constable that was killed last night was only 20 years old. He just graduated from training 6 months ago. How very sad! I know it touches those of us who work for the RCMP, but I can not even imagine the horrible sadness it is for those family members who are left behind. I do know that it affects the cadets who are going through training right now. It does fill them full of fear! It makes them stop and think about what they are doing here. I try to encourage the troops as they pass through our facilities. I tell them I am so proud of them and I tell they that they are so needed. Training to become an RCMP officer is very strict and brutal at times. There are many that pack it in part way through training because they can't cut it. So it is very sad to hear that a cadet makes it through training only to be killed 6 months into his career as a police officer. This coming up weekend is "Remembrance Day" here in Canada. It is a time we remember the lives that have been lost in the wars, and those veterans still alive who fought, and those who still fight. I also take it one step further and think of all those who fight the good fight every day keeping us safe from crime. I REMEMBER!
A week from today that little blonde haired, blue eyed boy will be 25 years old. He's my baby. I can't believe it. He has been my calm and comforting little boy. I remember when he was 6 months old and I was sad, he would just snuggle me and look deep into my eyes, and even though he did not talk I would feel he was saying to me " mommy it's okay, everything will be okay." Then years later when my husband and I divorced he was still there comforting me , and giving me the strength and courage to keep going. He has always had such a tender heart. Now he is a daddy and I am so proud of him. I have always been proud of him. He is a wonderful daddy. Every time I see him with his little girl, I see his eyes light up with love. They just shine whenever his Abby girl is near. I understand the total feeling of joy that he feels towards his child. That's how I feel about him! Whenever I see my children , my eyes light up and my heart skips a beat. I am so blessed to have a precious child like Jordan. He is not a child any longer but a man, with a child of his own. He is still my child though. Happy birthday Jordan my son. I love you more than you will ever know.
I tag Jen
Amanda Franks